People, unfortunately, think intermittent fasting (or IF) is torture. They believe it’s literally starving yourself, it's unhealthy, and it destroys your metabolism. Shockingly, it's none of those things. Instead, it's an ancient form of time-restricted eating, mimicking our ancestors.
On my podcast, I interview many incredible people, including experts like Dr. Jason Fung, the leading doctor on IF. Under his clinical supervision, people will drop 15-20 pounds in a week. Dr. Fung gave me the confidence to do IF well.
Fasting works best to lose stored fat. Your body is very intelligent and uses stored fat for energy. IF is the most effective way to tap into that belly, thigh, chin, and arm fat. You can fast for 12 hours or go beyond to 16 or even 20 hours. Many of my clients go 20 hours with one meal a day but give themselves four hours to enjoy that meal.
Benjamin Franklin said, “the best of all medicines is resting and fasting." And it’s true—it's almost a cure-all. I'm not a doctor, so you should check with your medical professional before starting any diet. But I've seen people improve arthritis, headaches, chronic fatigue, bad skin, and inflammation. After 16-20 hours of not eating food, your body goes into autophagy—a state of recycling cells into the best version of yourself. As a result, you'll lose weight easily!
The hardest part of IF is turning "off" hunger. My solution is Zero Hunger Water, coming out late fall as a ready-to-drink product. It's an electrolyte drink with the proper ratio of minerals that acts like an appetite suppressant. It improves blood volume. When your blood volume increases, you feel full, and the phantom hunger disappears.
You can even make Zero Hunger Water yourself at home. I have a masterclass on how to make the water, and I give out the recipe for free—it’s ¼ of a teaspoon of salt in 32 ounces of water. Then you can add magnesium and potassium. You can sweeten the water with stevia or monk fruit. You drink that and follow the IF meal plans.
IF success is just two steps. First, you replace two meals with Zero Hunger Water. Then you enjoy a sensible meal each day--that’s where It’s Skinny comes in.
My go-to meal is protein with It's Skinny pasta. I love steak or chicken with a little salt. I look for fattier, darker cuts like ribeye and have it with my It's Skinny Pasta, and my body feels great! It's getting all the nutrients it needs and has almost 24 hours to digest the protein and fiber.
The people who live the longest are lean. The bigger you are, the harder it is to live longer. With IF, you maintain the slim figure you want and enjoy a longer, healthier life. It’s a miracle, in my opinion. And we have many tools for hunger control, including Zero Hunger Water and It's Skinny Pasta.