What is Shirataki? Get to Know this Low-Carb Pasta

What is shirataki? Have you heard the word but aren't sure what it means? Maybe you've seen shirataki noodles advertised online, but you aren't sure what the heck shirataki noodles are.
First of all, let's just say that shirataki noodles are about to blow your mind. What is shirataki? It’s going to become your favorite pasta option. Here’s why!
Meet the No Carb Noodle
We all know that traditional pasta and rice have a lot of carbs and calories. Of course, they’re satisfying and delicious, but there's a reason marathon runners "carb load" before their race with a big ol’ bowl of pasta. Pasta packs on the calories, so you have plenty of energy for your big run.
But let's be real—most of us aren't running a marathon tomorrow. Most of us just crave comfort food on a Tuesday night after work. When we reach for the traditional carb-heavy noodles (or rice), we end up feeling full, to be sure, but we also end up feeling like we've derailed our progress and run off the rails of our diet.
Not only do carb-filled noodles disrupt your diet, but they weigh you down and make you feel tired and sluggish. Once you’ve had pasta, consider the night over. When you eat too many carbs, especially in the form of bread, pizza, or PASTA, you will feel that too-full feeling. You'll likely feel a little tired and ready to unbutton the top button of your pants and park yourself on the couch with Netflix. Once you’re there, willpower has left the building.
Of course, there are other noodle options. If you’re trying to do pasta your way, you can explore some of the many pasta substitutes and swaps. Unfortunately, though, noodle substitutes like zucchini noodles, or pasta made from beans, never quite get it right.
Zoodles are often watery (and taste like squash, which can overpower a dish). Pasta made from beans, lentils, and other legumes is often not-quite-right texture-wise. The noodles can be too chewy, and the flavor can be too strong. Rice-swaps aren’t much better. Anyone who's tried cauliflower rice quickly learns it's messy to work with and, frankly, still tastes like cauliflower.
So, what if there was a way to have your pasta (and eat it too)? What if you could have low-calorie noodles that would allow you to enjoy your favorite dishes but keep you feeling energized and nourished rather than stuffed? What if there was a noodle that didn’t overpower a dish and had the texture of real pasta (or rice)? Meet It’s Skinny—the shirataki noodle that can make your pasta dreams come true.
What are Shirataki Noodles Made Of?
What are shirataki noodles made of, exactly? Shirataki noodles look a lot like any other pasta, especially rice noodles. They’re white in color—in fact, the word shirataki means "white waterfall" in Japanese. You'll understand how they got the name when you see the delicious noodles cascading off your fork.
It's Skinny shirataki noodles come in a variety of shapes, including spaghetti, fettuccine, and angel hair. We also make a shirataki rice variety because we know people cannot live on pasta alone (you need a little rice too)! They work in any dish that would call for traditional pasta, noodles, or rice.
What is shirataki? Traditional shirataki noodles are made from glucomannan fiber, which comes from the root of the konjac plant. Konjac is a humble little root vegetable used in Asian cooking for many years. It's commonly used as both food and medicine. A konjac root is similar to a turnip or potato, but thanks to the unique fiber, it's filling without all the starchy carbs.
The special type of fiber called glucomannan is incredibly filling but very low in calories. Moreover, because the fiber moves very slowly through your digestive tract, it often helps you feel full and satisfied for a long time. Glucomannan also has many health benefits—it can help regulate blood sugar levels because it breaks down slowly in the gut, and contains prebiotics too. Glucomannan may even have weight loss effects, according to some studies. It helps you feel satiated but doesn't give you that "over-stuffed" feeling you can get from big carb-heavy meals.
One of the greatest aspects of cooking with konjac noodles is that they're very easy to work with, even if you're not a chef (or barely cook). There’s no salting and boiling water, testing for al dente, and wondering if you’ll get it right. When you’re using It’s Skinny pasta, all you need to do is open the bag, drain, and toss the noodles in with the rest of your pasta dish ingredients at the end of the cooking process. Shirataki noodles take on the other flavors in the dish while offering the texture and mouthfeel of regular pasta.
Are shirataki noodles healthy? Oh yes! These noodles are plant-based and contain very few ingredients outside of konjac. Shirataki noodles are low calorie and low-carb noodles ideal for the paleo or keto diet, the whole foods diet, or any other low-carb diet regimen. No matter how you try to eat healthily, It's Skinny is the perfect addition to your plate.
Using Shirataki Noodles in Your Favorite Pasta Recipes
You might feel a little intimidated when you get your first package of It's Skinny shirataki noodles, but using shirataki noodles in your favorite recipes couldn't be easier.
Choose your favorite pasta or rice dish. Perhaps you want a classic Fettucine a la Bolognese, a pasta primavera, or Thai drunken noodles. Maybe you’re craving fried rice or shrimp scampi. It’s Skinny noodles are ideal for all these pasta recipes and many more.
To use shirataki noodles in your recipe, you'll prepare the sauce and toppings, just as you would for any dish. But, instead of boiling noodles (or hauling out the rice cooker), you'll wait until your other ingredients are nearly ready to go. Then, you open the bag, drain, rinse, and add the It’s Skinny pasta or rice to the pan. Heat through for about a minute, and the dish is ready to eat. It’s really that easy! So, get ready to feel like a kitchen rockstar!
Now your next question is probably where can I buy shirataki noodles? You’ll find It’s Skinny noodles in stores and online. You can order them here in a convenient 6 or 24-pack. Once you try It’s Skinny, you’ll love the endless “pastabilities” for switching out traditional noodles and rice. At only 9 calories per bag, you can afford to indulge in pasta every night of the week.
If you’ve been looking for a delicious low-carb pasta substitute for your favorite high-carb dishes, shirataki noodles are the perfect answer. Try It's Skinny today and enjoy!