Keto is a high-fat, low-carb diet plan that gets quick results. Many people love keto because not only is it great for weight loss, but it makes you feel more alert and energetic, too. If you're doing keto right, you shouldn't feel hungry or deprived—just satisfied with increased energy levels.
Following a keto meal plan requires a little bit of diligence to cut your carb intake, though. You need to keep your carbs under about 50 grams per day if you want your body to stay in ketosis(Opens in a new window). Ketosis means that you’re burning through fat instead of carbohydrate reserves. To get there, you have to follow the diet carefully. If you mess up, it can take a few days for your body to get back into fat-burning mode.
Fortunately, keto isn’t too hard to follow, especially if you have some easy keto recipes in your repertoire. After all, you can have cheese, meat, and all kinds of delicious foods (hello, avocado)!
You may also feel daunted by the food preparation involved in keto. Some people don't love to cook, so following a meal plan that requires a lot of time in the kitchen isn't for them. Never fear! With these recipes and lazy keto meal ideas, you won’t need to spend all day doing meal prep. You'll get the health benefits of keto without the stress.
Some people prefer a whole-food approach to the traditional keto diet. Others opt for convenience or a "dirty keto" approach. What does dirty keto mean? The term refers to a diet where you might consume sugar-free diet soda, processed meats, cheeses, and other keto junk foods. A dirty keto plan can make some folks feel a little bloated or run down. So, it's important to find the right balance.
We say that if you're already working to cut carbs, you're already halfway there. Who are we to judge if you need to grab some cold cuts or wash down your meal with a diet soda? But it's essential to make sure you're eating in a way that makes you feel good and healthy.
It’s crucial to get enough water and enough rest when you’re switching to a keto diet. You may experience a short period where you feel a bit run down or flu-ish—often called the keto flu(Opens in a new window). If you experience this, your body is likely getting used to a new way of eating. Drink extra water, and be sure to rest. Before starting any meal plan, it's always a good idea to check in with your doctor. Get a picture of your overall health before you switch to a low carb diet.
The biggest secret to following keto is to avoid deprivation. Feeling deprived is the biggest drawback to any diet. It feels like torture when you have to turn down desserts or pass on pasta. It's much wiser (and you'll be more successful) if you find swaps for your favorite treats.
In our lazy keto meal plan, we've included low-carb pasta and rice dishes, including desserts! Yep! That's right—you can still have pasta, rice, and even dessert on keto! You just need to be smart about it (and we're about to tell you how). Following a meal plan is a great way to help you ease into keto meal planning so you can make the right food choices.