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It's Skinny Low-Carb Rice-shaped Pasta Pudding Recipe

Gluten Free Keto Low Carb Vegetarian

Recipe by Chef Michele Ragussis, Jorge Cruise-approved

  • Cook Time 5 minutes
  • Serves 2 servings
  • Difficulty Easy

Whether you’re following keto, intermittent fasting, or just cutting back on carbs, you probably assume dessert-for-breakfast is off the menu, right?

Well, think again! With this It’s Skinny low-carb rice-shaped pasta pudding, you can enjoy a creamy, dreamy breakfast without breaking your fast!

Fast Solutions for Fasting

If you’re a follower of the Zero Hunger Fast, trying intermittent fasting or keto on your own, or just watching your carbs, you don’t have to skip breakfast. It turns out that if you choose a breakfast with zero net carbs, you can still eat without spiking your blood sugar or ruining your fast. This healthy rice-shaped pasta pudding lets you enjoy all the delicious taste with no consequences!

As you may know, with Intermittent Fasting, you're often skipping meals for 12-16 hours, depending on the plan. Many people fear that they will be hungry during their fast, and it's often the biggest roadblock to success on the plan.

You'll feel fantastic if you can push through and stay on track. People experience dramatic weight loss when they follow intermittent fasting plans. In addition, they often enjoy more energy, healthier skin and hair, and even a libido boost! It may sound too good to be true, but you'll likely love the plan once you get going.

The question on most intermittent faster's minds is, "What if I get hungry? Is there anything I can eat while intermittent fasting without breaking my fast?"

It’s Skinny is an intermittent faster’s best friend! With zero net carbs in our shirataki noodles and rice-shaped pasta, you can enjoy delicious meals like this healthy rice-shaped pasta pudding without guilt! It’s Skinny products have only 9 calories per bag—whether it’s spaghetti, fettuccine, angel hair, or rice-shaped pasta.

What’s the secret? Thanks to a special little ingredient called konjac, we’ve reinvented pasta. Now, you might be wondering, what the heck is a konjac? It’s not a well-known vegetable in the United States, but in many Asian countries, it’s been enjoyed for many years.

Konjac is a little funny looking. Some say it looks a little like a turnip. It’s a root vegetable with a texture similar to raw potatoes but with no net carbs. It also makes a perfect swap for pasta and rice!

Konjac is filled with satiating glucomannan fiber. It helps you get that "full" feeling without many carbs or calories. It's Skinny Pasta and It's Skinny rice-shaped pasta are made with simple ingredients—konjac root, water, oat powder, and calcium hydroxide. It's entirely plant-based, making it a perfect choice for vegans and omnivores alike.

The best thing about It’s Skinny is that it’s the perfect way to lighten up many of your favorite dishes. From Thai noodles to fried rice-shaped pasta, It's Skinny lets you recreate meals your way. Add your favorite protein, top with yummy sauces, and include fresh veggies if you like. So, make it your way with It’s Skinny!

If you're ready to try, It's Skinny, order online today! It's perfect for many recipes, including this delicious low-carb rice-shaped pasta pudding!

All About Rice Pudding

Rice pudding is a delicious dish that's enjoyed around the world. It's thought to have originated in China or India, depending on the definition and recipe, around 6000 years ago. Some people refer to it as rice porridge, but it’s a similar concept—rice mixed with cream, spices, and sweetener.

Ancient Romans used rice pudding to soothe the stomach. Some European counties add other ingredients like egg yolks and fruit to their rice pudding. It was often considered a royal food because rice was difficult to procure in Europe, where it didn’t grow well.

Many people still enjoy rice pudding today. Although we may think of it as dessert, it also makes a delicious and satisfying breakfast dish. Rather than using cauliflower rice or some other “hack” to make keto rice pudding, It’s Skinny has the perfect texture and no aftertaste.

It’s a great make-ahead treat too. Many people enjoyed the "overnight oats" craze a few years ago as a portable, easy way to enjoy breakfast on the go. You can easily make It's Skinny low-carb rice-shaped pasta pudding in a jar ahead and refrigerate it overnight. Then, pop it in your bag and enjoy it during your commute or when you get into the office. It also makes a delicious keto dessert.

This low-carb rice-shaped pasta pudding recipe is quick to make, so no worries if you don't have time to meal prep breakfast the night before. You can pull it together in a few minutes and have a hearty, satisfying breakfast with ZERO net carb It's Skinny rice-shaped pasta.

Cooking with It’s Skinny couldn’t be easier. It doesn’t require long cooking times like other pastas or rice. It won’t overpower the dish like some swaps. To use It’s Skinny, you simply tear open the package, drain it, and add to your other ingredients when you’re ready to eat.

You can enjoy this It’s Skinny rice-shaped pasta pudding hot out of the pan—perfect on a cold morning, or you can chill it. Either way, it’s a yummy treat you’re sure to love!

Order It’s Skinny today and enjoy this delicious rice-shaped pasta pudding recipe!


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  • Rice Shape | It's Skinny
  • 1 Package It’s Skinny Rice
  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 cardamom pod
  • ¼ teaspoon ground clove
  • 2 teaspoons of monk fruit or stevia
  • 1 tablespoon of fat – coconut oil or ghee
  • 1 teaspoon of guar gum



Rice Shape

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The front of a bag of It's Skinny Rice with blue text and product details.